Divorce Mediation

Divorce Mediation – A Less Expensive Alternative to Traditional Litigation

Divorce mediation offers an affordable, sane, and logical alternative to expensive litigation. At Peace Settlements, professional mediators craft an agreement that best works for both you and your former spouse. Divorce Mediation is the most economical alternative to expensive litigation. Divorce Mediation is a free service provided by experienced, confidential divorce mediators who offer their highly effective services to individuals and couples throughout the country.

Divorce Mediation

Many people wonder what makes Divorce Mediation a better option than litigation. During mediation, you have the opportunity to communicate openly with your spouse’s legal advisor without the added pressure and attorneys’ fees that are often associated with just simply filing a divorce case. Divorce Mediation is the preferred method of resolving almost all types of family-related issues, including: Child Custody; Child Support; Alimony/ Payment; Spousal Support; Paternity/ Child Custody; Divorce Attorneys’ Fees; and last but not least, any issues regarding substantial debts. Divorce Mediation can be an extremely helpful tool in expediting the resolution of many family related issues that have unfortunately become entangled in divorce cases. Divorce Mediation is also a much faster process than litigation, allowing you the luxury of time to properly think through your decision and possible alternatives.

Divorce Mediation can save you a significant amount of money that would have otherwise been expended on attorney fees and court costs. Divorce Mediation is usually attended by both you and your spouse’s personal attorney. The goal of the professional mediator is to help you come to an agreement regarding how to resolve your specific differences without ending up in a costly courtroom battle.

It is not uncommon for spouses to try to “get out” by making a number of unreasonable requests prior to or during mediation. It is important to remember that during mediation, you are completely free to ask questions and/or make comments about the spouses’ proposals. You may also choose to attend or skip the initial consultation. If you decide to attend the initial meeting, there are several things you should expect.

When you meet with your spouse’s attorney, the first thing the attorney will do is review the Divorce Mediation report that was filed in court. This report outlines the major areas of the parties’ agreement that was covered in mediation. The majority of times, this initial meeting provides the basis for the attorney to go into court with the proposed orders. Once again, you are completely free to ask questions and/or make comments regarding the proposed orders. In most instances, your spouse’s attorney will consult with a court-appointed family law attorney who is assigned to your case to assist in evaluating the proposed order(s).

Many attorneys will encourage their clients to use the mediation process as a means of expediting the litigation and minimizing the cost of their services. There are several reasons why this approach to litigating minor matters can be less expensive than litigation. One reason why mediation is less expensive than litigation is that attorneys are generally not required to file legal documents in the courts. Additionally, there is no need for a trial date, thus attorneys are often able to schedule appointments on a more flexible schedule.

If you have been involved in divorce litigation before, it is likely that you will understand some of the challenges that come with pursuing a settlement through mediation. In addition to the mental stress that often comes with divorce litigation, the time restraints placed on the parties usually hinder the ability to come to a quick resolution to the problem at hand. Often, issues are brought up by the divorcing parties which cannot be resolved. Through mediation, both parties are able to calmly come to an agreement without having to go to court.

A mediator will play an important role in determining the most reasonable solution to the problem at hand. The mediator will listen to both sides of the issue and then make a fair decision based on the facts that have been presented. In cases where parents have decided that they do not wish to divide custody of their children, the mediator may also inform the parties of what type of custody they have agreed upon. For example, if the child custody issue is regarding visitation rights, the mediator may inform one parent that they have the right to visit their child once per month while another parent has to visit weekly. Again, in cases where the child custody issue is regarding education funding, the mediator will inform one party that the party who has the better educational funding will get their child’s education funds from a different party than the other party.